A little preview………

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Sunday was a relaxing day and Kirk helped me finish organizing the nursery. Everything has really come together and we’re one step closer to welcoming the Sprouts home. Life is good! Kirk and I ended the day watching a little Pitch Perfect, in preparation for the new one, of course. I started leaking some fluid and returned to the living room to announce “I think we should go to the hospital”. Kirk jumped into action and I gathered a few things with my hospital bag. Of course it was nothing, I felt totally great. I was going to the gym the next morning, I was going to work, I was going to teach a class on Wednesday, and I was going to be on-call for work Memorial Day weekend. But most importantly, I had my childbirth class scheduled for May 23rd. It was just a trip for reassurance and safety.IMG_0269


And this is where all that planning got me!  ;0

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